Monday, September 30, 2013

Gulliver and Obsession

"They spend the greatest part of their lives in observing the celestial bodies, which they do by the assistance of glasses, far excelling ours in goodness." (Swift 3)

It is interesting that Swift quotes this about outsiders in the scene when Gulliver is at the same time, obsessing over his own project. He is so interested in the math and science aspects of figuring out the philosophical aspects of the island. He has specific measurements that could have been impossible to figure out back then. His preciseness based upon all of these details is immaculate and it is riveting to think that someone could be so encapsulated with the thought of one thing.

"Haunted by the fear of a purposeless existence, they pledge their lives to a plan, a project, or a person who becomes their sole raison d'ĂȘtre." (Van Zuylen 2)

This quote from Monomania really delves into the idea of what Gulliver is going through. He has these maps and diagrams and ideas to figure out what is happening with this island. He has so many ideas and focuses and it truly is driving his existence in that moment. The obsession is real and those thoughts seem to be taking over his mind. It is also interesting in the respect of absorption because it is amazing how his mind can hold all of that information.

Along with that, it is such a ridiculous idea that certain people cannot leave the island otherwise it will be thrown off balance. And to think that he figured that out with all of his measurements and philosophical thoughts on such a scientific and specific idea. I suppose that this is the idea that obsession can be formulated through so many aspects of the world and these thoughts only evolve with the addition of different and thought provoking ideas even if it is from such a wide range as art and science.

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