Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Research Paper Proposal

For the final research paper, I want to explore the effects of desire and how it affected the view of women in the eighteenth century.

Although it was not explored as much, I want to utilize The Female Quixote to explore feelings of desire within Arabella and her feelings towards Mr. Glanville. I would utilize this text as my primary resource. Some points that I would like to explore would include:

  • How is Arabella viewed by her peers because of her passion for things (including adventure, writing her history and Mr. Glanville)
  • Is it out of the ordinary for this time to have a female character who is so headstrong and confident within eighteenth century literature? 
  • How is Arabella compared to other female characters within the novel? 
Although these are broad questions, I really want to explore how females are viewed when they display feelings of desire. Whether that be driven through love or passion, I want to see the reactions of individuals towards that. 

As secondary sources, I will attempt to employ Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women in order to pull aspects of the feminist voice and in order to show the desire for change in women's rights based upon that. Along with that, I want to include Haywood's Reflections of the Various Effects of Love. This will help to gain the aspects of sin within desire and how this is reflected upon women. 

Although this might be a very broad proposal, I am very excited to explore aspects of feminism within desire and how gender defines or affects this human mindset. 

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