Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Anger within RED

'If possible send me an amusing book small enough to be put in a large pocket. That is to say smaller than a Prayer-book and much smaller than a Hymn Book and much larger than a Thumb Dictionary. The more full of senseless gossip your letters are the more I like them but I like them all of whatever kind, and I appreciate their variety. Which is infinite. I have just thrown out of the window Arnold Bennett's book called Edwin and Angelina or words to that effect. I have read bits of it.' (Baring RED)

This post on Reading Experience Database is quite interesting. It expresses anger but in a format that is a bit sneaky. The reader isn't very revealing with their anger and they wait until the last sentence to indicate that there was anything wrong. 

Anger here is shown through the frustration and specificity of book sizes. This reader is extremely specific about what kind of book they would enjoy reading and also the size of the book. It is strange that they would feel so partial to a particular subject but I suppose to each his own. This person speaks about how they enjoy gossip and letters which indicates that they are fueled by frivolous and scandalous information. Along with that, they are fueled by whatever pleases them. It seems that this individual is a bit selfish, to be honest.

I wasn't sure how anger was incorporated into this when I first began reading. I believe that the anger is shown when the reader declares, "I have just thrown out of the window Arnold Bennett's book." This shows that they are fueled by even the smallest of issues. It seems silly to throw a book out of the window but this is what triggers that individual. Anger can stem from many different emotions and this individual is simply fueled by pure dislike. Small frustrations can spark any angry emotion. And this passage truly conveys that.
It is also interesting that the last sentence of the passage is, "I read bits of it." The man did not even engage in the entirety of the book and yet he still threw it out of the window. Anger is a funny thing in that an individual cannot shake it. Once there is anger, it is very difficult to shake that feeling. Due to the fact that this individual did not like a few bits of this book, the fire of anger is there to stay. The only way to release that anger is by throwing the book out of the window, which is a literal outlet for the anger. 

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